
g10 epoxy glass laminate ประเทศไทย

G10 is an epoxy glass laminate that be hard as well tough — which means it has a great advantage for many different industries depending on what type of company you are. They are a tightly bonded epoxy resin and glass sandwich. Together, these layers make a solid board that is suitable for many uses. This includes insulating electric devices to safeguard them, Thermally insulation electrical parts reduces leakage current and control heat.

The best thing about it is that this is a G10 epoxy glass laminate and has the capacity to withstand water, chemicals of all kinds, as well high heat. Because these are helpful in severe conditions, you can consider it is a heavy duty choice. Its color does not alter when wet, making it suitable for materials such as wood and its weather resistance is comparable to other synthetic dyes. Meanwhile, it also stands up to harsh liquids like acids and chemicals with impressive ease.

    Highly resistant to water, chemicals, and extreme temperatures

    While we're on the subject, G10 epoxy glass laminate has great flame retardancy and also can handle some seriously high temperatures This makes them suitable for high temperature or environmental conditions where may be a fast change in the temperature. Since it does not splinter or bend, for the construction of electrical and electronics therefore, this is very important. While of course for G10 to keep your devices cool, it can be a real help.

    It will conduct electricity far less than G10 epoxy glass laminate and therefor also can be used for heat management. Since it is an insulator, its role has been in the protection of electronic parts and humans from electrical shocks. It is a key safety feature. It is used extensively in the manufacturing of printed circuit boards (PCBs) for many different electronics products, so it needs to be able to function accurately.

    Why choose RDS g10 epoxy glass laminate?





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